Commanders, a wargame digest

Commanders, a wargame digest


Pike & Shot

Boardgame for ECW and 30 YW

This is another deluxe type publication by GMT in which two previous games have been brought back in one package.

We have the original English Civil War module with a couple of extra battles added in and The Sweden Fights on module, giving us some 30 Years War action.

There is a bit more complexity to this series than the other games shown on this page, but the rules do convey a good period feel and visually there is a connect as large formations are represented by a double sized counter that sits in two adjacent hexes.

Epic scale figures

Part of the Epic series of miniatures that Warlord Games are rolling out. The box set is intended to serve for English Civil War and 30 Years War and the figure size is probably best described as small 15mm.

The game uses the familiar 60m bases, with four bases (80 packed figures) to a regiment.

The Pike & Shotte rulebook has been condensed into an A5 format and given a narrow focus, just on this period, including scenarios.

Already in existence was a supplement book called ‘To Kill a King’, which is a very good resource, with a lot of scenarios and is notable for including some of the smaller actions that are not particularly widely covered, such as the cavalry action at Ormskirk.

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