Commanders, a wargame digest

Commanders, a wargame digest


WWII Strategic

A new series

Published by decision games, each game contains two campaigns.

The systems are a blend of other old school SPI systems, notably Panzergruppe Guderian, Army Group South and Cobra and their popularity looks like we will be seeing more than just the first four modules that were planned.

The game scales are 3 - 5 miles per hex with units representing regiments and divisions. The games are intended to be played in 2 - 4 hours, by two players, but the system is solo friendly.

The games are using standard map sizes, mounted on board and 5/8 inch counters. There rules run to about 14 pages.

New release due

I saw yesterday that Volume III is expected back from the printers this week, so perhaps this might get into customers hand in time for Christmas.

Volume III arrives today

Arriving at the door today is the third volume in Decision Games’ East Front Battles series. I have had this in pre-order for a couple of months and it seems to have been out in the states for a while, so it is nice to see it hit UK shores.

The obvious draw to me is that this is a series game, but the bonus is that it comes with V19 rules, which are of course backwards compatible to also work with the first two games.

I am becoming a bit weary of newly released boardgames seemingly to quickly need to be on version 1.1, 1.5, 2 or whatever i.e. a bit more than simply a few errata points. It raises the question of development and it seems pointless to get a beautifully presented rulebook if you end up downloading a replacement file for printing out that just kills the enjoyment of getting the nicely presented rulebook on nice paper.

It is almost like being an early adopter, just means that you are part of the extended play test group. Anyway, rant aside, the game looks lovely. The boards are mounted with the surface having a sort of linen texture. Anyone who has volumes I or II will know exatly what to expect.

The system plugs into the nostalgia spot a bit with it being a relative of the old SPI Panzergroup Guderian, Cobra and Army Group South systems.

The two battles (always two battles per box) cover Drive to the Sea (West Prussia, January 1945) and Battle for Pomerania (Pomerania February 1945).

I have high expectations of the system and have promised myself to get this system to the table this year and play it enough to become familiar and proficient, so that it can make repeat returns to the table. Volume IV has just gone onto pre-order.

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