Commanders, a wargame digest

Commanders, a wargame digest


Pike & Shotte (Warlord Games)

Pike & Shotte

These will cover my English Civil War project and together with the supplement To Kill A King, which has a load of scenarios, including some smaller, more obscure actions, should deal with everything that I am likely to need.

One of the questions that have always arisen with these rules is that to what degree in an infantry unit of a pike centre and two musket sleeves, are those three elements free to independently do their own thing, rather than acting in absolute unison. 

There was an option fix rule given and my understanding is that this was formalised in the recent A5 version of the rules for Epic - something that I need to check out.

The rules usefully cover from 1495 (The Italian Wars), through to 1689 ( Battle of Walcourt - The War of the Grand Alliance) and on either side of that range, the Hail Caesar and Black Powder rules are available.

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